Wednesday, June 12, 2013

You won't believe what I just did. 

I couldn't wait to see if I am losing weight. My daughter got the bathroom scales out. (She had hid them from me to prevent discouragement) I promised not to open my eyes and I kept them closed and stood on the scales. 

She said I am losing wait and that is really cool!!!

Maybe I should do that every time I feel like giving up.

Right now, I am very hungry and kind of do feel like giving up. But I don't want to let you down, because you probably have a skinny dream, too. I want to be a good example for you.

If I can do it, you can do it.

I am in the middle of day 2 of really doing it right, but I made a mistake in adding up my calories and I am quite bewildered.

It is 4:30pm and I have less than 100 calories left. UGGH!

I don't think I want to eat a gallon of broth for supper. What should I do???

This is all because I woke up in the middle of the night and ate a banana. Sometime I will send you a picture of my fruit pedestal dish with the beautiful bananas in it and you will understand why I could not resist.

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