Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 23: Diet Tip and Motivational Hint

Diet Tip: Don't save tempting food. Eat what you want and get rid of the rest.

Motivational Hint: Buy work out dvds second-hand really cheep. It is fun to try new ones. 

Day 23 Dieting on a Holiday

It is weird that we feel entitled to overeat on a holiday when we are an unhealthy weight and in the middle of a diet. 

It is not like every holiday will be ruined. It is just like one holiday. 

Try not to think of it as ruined--instead think 'It is going to be so rewarding when my Skinny Dream comes true in 100 days. 

You could try to think of something healthy and low cal that you like to eat. For example: grilled steak, sautéed mushrooms, corn on the cob, fresh green beans, sliced fresh tomatoes, cantaloup, and homemade iced tea. 

Or go out to eat at a nice restaurant and have something like grilled shrimp and a sweet potato(measure 1 teaspoon of butter for on top)and a side salad(leave of the croutons and cheese and only dip your fork in the dressing) with iced tea to drink. Only have half of a dinner roll or slice of bread. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 21: Diet Tip and Motivational Hint

Diet Tip: Hard boiling an egg is the lowest calorie way to eat one. A large one is only about 78 calories and is a good way to "start up" your day as they are easy to fix. You can boil a batch of them and eat them for days!

Motivational Hint: Keep your journal with little subheadings that show you things like patterns of failure and patterns of success. Then go back and review them for idea of how to avoid failure and breed success at the same time!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 21: Down in the Dumps

Olivia did not even show up! So much for worrying about how to diet when I get company. My company did not come. To cheer myself up, I took my daughters out to eat at a special restaurant and ordered the "usual"--but I told myself it was okay since I didn't eat it all. One thing lead to another, and before I knew it, I really blew it. I ate Olivia's special box of chocolates I purchased for her at the candy store. 


P.S. I just looked at yesterday's journal and realized I had a splurge day right before a down day. Maybe there is some kind of connection. 

Diet Tip

A cool diet snack is those thin stick pretzels. There is a difference in the number of calories in brands--so be sure to check. It is BREATHTAKING how many of those you can eat for 100 calories!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 20: Motivational Hint

Have a splurge day. But don't go "hog wild" if you don't want to look like one. Avoid standing on the bathroom scales the next couple of days. 

Day Splurge Day

80 days left to Skinny Dream Come True!!!

This is what I had on my splurge:

Raisin Brand with whole milk
2 dip eggs and toast
5 olives
coffee, with sugar and heavy cream
potato chips
hot dog
french fries with ketchup
chocolate ice-cream cone
large pepsi
can of coke
vegetable beef and noodle stir fry
half of a chocolate frosted cream-filled donut
half of a bagel with strawberry cream cheese
half of a bag of chocolate covered almonds
cafe mocha

I tried to eat some of everything I was hungry for on other days. I froze my Milky Way and could not eat it because I was too full and not it is haunting me as I am back to the "old grind" today.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 19: The Count-Your-Bites Cover-Up

I have this really good idea. I am going to practice counting my bites ahead of time before my company comes. I am so excited about this. I was wondering how in the world I was going to--not lose weight-- but just maintain my weight while my company is here. Suddenly, the "light bulb" turned on! :) Count my bites!

I am going to start counting how many bites are in one half-cup portion. Then, while eating with Olivia, I will be counting them and that will be a great way to keep things under control and she won't even know I am on a diet. I will not need to use a measuring cup in front of her. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 18: Diet Tip and Motivational Hint

Diet Tip: I have this great idea, I will dish up my plate and make half of it vegtables. This way, it will look like I am eating a lot. I am also going to eat smaller meals more often. This way she will think I am eating a lot and not realize I am on a diet and feel uncomfortable. (When I tell relatives I am on a diet, it makes them scared I am losing weight and then they will feel bad that they are not losing weight.) 

Motivational Tip: To keep myself motivated while I have company, I am just going to try to maintain my weight loss while they are here. 

Day 18: Gained 10 pounds when Olivia Cam To Visit

Olivia is coming to spend the week with me. I am so excited! I love it when she comes! We always have a wonderful time together yakking, watching movies, eating... whoa!--watch out!! Alarms are goin' off!! 

The last time Olivia spent the week with me was the week I got back on the "road" to Morbid Obesity! It was awful, I have been paying for it ever since!! And this is how: after losing a whooping 65 pounds and feeling and looking like a new person and keeping it off for 3 fantastic years, I relaxed for one week--just one week--and my body quickly sucked on 10 pounds just like that. Those 10 pounds lead to another, and another, and another... and before I knew it there I was back in a state of "bulbber-itus"!! Unbelievable, but too true!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 17: DITCH Those Dieting Duldrums

Motivational Hint: Dieting is very difficult, and you have to be very determined. It is very hard work with a priceless paycheck at the end. It is temporary. It is tough. But, there is a guaranteed huge reward. Looking better! Feeling Better! Wow!!

Diet Tip: Make a list of foods you are tempted to eat. Indulge on them on your day off, to get it out of your system. 

Day 16 Diet Tip and Motivational Hint

Diet Tip: Cantaloupe is like candy on a diet! It is delicious! And in-season when it tastes its very best. Look up how to pick out a "good" one. This is best part: there are only app. 50 calories in 5 ounces! I put on a picture for you of how much 5 ounces (well, a little over 5 ounces) looks like. Cantaloupe can't be beat. I could eat it morning, noon, and night and in-between!! While not adding many calories. 

Motivational Hint: Remember the old saying, "When the times get though, the though get going"? This goes for dieting as well. Dieting is a very tough time; you have got to be tough to "keep on keepin on." In time, it is going to pay off!

It is no longer 100 days till my Skinny Dream comes true--it is only 84. I need to "hang in there" and not just hang, "but stick to it" and work at it all the while. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 16: Journal

The doldrums have set in. The first 2 weeks of working towards my Skinny Dream were exciting and fun filled. Everything seemed new: a new dream and new ways of reaching it- but it is two whole weeks and I am almost as chubby as ever. I need something to give me a little "pick-up." So, I am trying to come up with some ideas here to get me through to Weigh In Day: 

1.) Tell my support person I feel like throwing in the towel and quitting, as this is getting old. I am sure she will have a fit and I will get a good chewing out with lots of reasons why I should not do that. 

2.) I think I am going to give my place a good clean up and keep things in better order and that will put me in a better mood to diet. 

3.) I think I will wear a bright cheery color today and my fun earrings and open the window blinds and bring the sunshine in. 

4.) Then I'll hit the road and head to town and eat out with a gourmet soup or salad and glass of brewed iced-tea.

5.) Then I will shop for some item that will add a little something to my home.

6.) Then I will top it all off with an espresso at my favorite coffee shop.

7.) When I get home, I will kick my shoes off, head for the sofa, and pick out a favorite movie.

All the while, hopefully my mind will be side-tracked from food and onto fun!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 15: Diet Tip and Motivational Hint

Motivational Hint: Reality moments like the one, in which the young boy observed the obvious, can be used to hinder you or help you. Try your best to use them to "spur you on" to beat the Battle of the Bulge!"

Diet Tip: While you are walking with your pedometer on; or doing almost any kind of exercise; hold that tummy in. That will help your weight loss to happen at the right places, and at the same time strengthen those abdominal muscles!

Day 15: Dieting Reality Moments

I got "that look" again yesterday. The one that my mind can only read too well what it is saying. The eyes of the hostess at the restaurant were drawn down to my protruding abdomen. Then "that look" read, "Are you going to have a baby?"

I have been eating pickles lately, but unfortunately, that is not the case. 

Instead it is like 10 pounds of attached solid lipids bulging out in front of me. 

"Aww. It is all just your imagination." You might say to try to comfort me. 

Well, Thank you, but how about this? Recently a young grade school boy just straightforwardly blurted right out to me: "Are you going to have a baby?" It was all innocent enough; but did he have to say it right in front of my "skinny-minny" co-workers?

You just wait. Give me 85 days. That is how many I have left isn't it? Just wait until you see me then.

DAY 14 Diet Hint

Some dill pickles have only zero calories!! They are fantastic life savors when you appetite is driving you wild. Try it--you will love it!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 14: Dill Pickles Aren't Just For Pregnant Ladies

I am having a terrible time today. I was sooooo hungry. I had eaten two servings of my very favorite homemade vegetable beef soup recipe. Then I had another serving. Then I desperately longed for yet another

"Get out my scales again," I instructed my daughter. 

"Are you serious, Mom?!"she responded. "You are becoming high maintenance!"

"Jut do it," I said. "I am desperate: I want more soup. I am starving. Just see how much I weigh, and then tell me if you think I can have one more serving of soup. And hurry!" 

I held my breath, stood on the scales, and closed my eyes as my daughter read my current weight. 

"No," She said.

"What?" I demanded. 

"No," she repeated, "Do not eat more soup."

"You are kidding me," I said.

But then the idea "light bulb" turned on--PICKLES.

"I can have a dill pickle!" I cheered, "That's it! A dill pickle!!"

When I am starved on my diet I love to head for my jar of dill pickles in the fridge. 

Cold. Juicy. Loaded with flavor. I can really chew and enjoy a dill pickle at my most severe dieting moments.  

Saturday, June 22, 2013

DAY 12 It Works For Me

Diet Tip: Downsize Your Portions

Problem: If you are like me--you tend to eat whatever you put in front of yourself. 
A common serving size is one-half cup. But, if you are like me--you love seconds. 

Solution: Eat half your usual serving size! 
Example: Eat 1/4 cup. That way you can still have seconds! But end up eating HALF as much!!

DAY 12: Journal

I did not throw the cake away because my daughters had a fit when I went to dump it in the trash can. 

This morning, I got up and had to face that cake again! I chuckled when I thought about digging into an angel-food cake and saying it was because the devil made me do it. Instead, I was a "good girl" and picked up the cake and marched it off to the bedroom closet myself--where it is still sitting untouched by me. "Out of sight--out of mind!" Well most of the time anyway. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

DAY 11: Diet Tip and Motivational Hint

Diet Tip: Summer is the perfect time to diet! You can be active outside in the warm weather. Fruits and vegetables are at their peaks making them their tastiest and easily available, and they are extremely low cal.

Motivational Hint: If you can't "flee from temptation" then get rid of it. It would be best not to buy the tempting food in the first place and instead give money to a worthy cause. But, if you did give in and buy that tempting item, it would be better to dump it than to pile it on those already too wide hips!

DAY 12: Journal

It got old. Dieting. I slowly quit counting calories. I even misplaced my pedometer. Then I started mini-snacking. 

All of the sudden I felt my abdomen literally growing. I felt bigger. 
Panic set over me as I begged my daughter to bring out the scales. 

I finally convinced her. I closed my eyes as I stood on them. 

"Just tell me whether I lost, did nothing, or gained." I pleaded. I even told her to take off three pounds for clothes and for it not being first thing in the morning. 

She made a face at me and said, "You gained. Not much, but you gained..."

That really stinks. Not only did I not make any headway--I actually lost ground. That will take double days to make up. There is no way to make it up. But, I did leave I little leeway when I made my goal in the first place. It is a good thing I did or I would have never made it!!

This picture is how I feel when I fail on my diet:

Tonight, I am back to it. Counting calories. Measuring. Allin style with my pedometer back on! My daughter has had enough time to hide the cake. So I AM going to throw it away. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

DAY 11: Motivational Hint and Diet Tip

Motivational Hint: Make your goal reachable and doable; yet one which you will have to work on so you really are accomplishing something worth reaching for. 

Diet Tip: BING CHERRIES are great! They are in season. And you can eat a lot of them for a super snack. They only have 57 calories in 174 grams or 1 cup! They are hard to beat!

DAY 11: Cake Encounters

There it was. Sitting on the counter. Big beautiful and white. Better known as angle food cake. 
I was trying to be careful all day. Lunch was already over. But temptation stood in the way.
And so, I ate it.
Yes, I grabbed a handful-sized mouthful. (Angle food cake squishes together really good!) I stuffed it in just as my daughter came walking down the hall. I could feel guilt paint my face. Even my posture had to look guilty as I crouched with the mouthful still un-chewed. 
"You are kidding me!" My daughter shrieked, "I have been measuring your food and you are eating THAT?!" She looked furious as she added, "I have had it. That is SO irritating." 
"Fine." I said. "Never measure my food again." I marched off chewing with my cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk.  
What I don't understand is: how come my skinny daughters take so long to eat that cake as much as they love it, and chubby me can down it in record time. I wish they would hurry up and eat it.
Tune in tomorrow to see what happens next in the cake dilemma.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

DAY 10: Diet Tip and Motivational Hint

Diet Tip: Flee temptation. Personal research shows looking at food makes you want to eat it. That is why all those pictures are on commercials and they are in color. They can even make your mouth water as your taste-buds believe they are getting ready for it. The brain is telling them you are. And those little buds are most likely right!

Motivational Hint: I am having trouble thinking of one and am feeling very unmotivated. I need to think of one desperately. I will let you know later. 

Wait a minute. I just got one! It is like a lightbulb turned on: WEIGH THE PROS AND CONS. 

Do I want to be a fat blob and forever skinnyminnywannabe?

Or do I want to be a bigblobusedtobe and Skinny Dream come true?

I do. Done and decided.

DAY 10 Winning at the Waistline

It is shocking. I am ashamed to tell you that my waistline used to measure a whopping 19 inches smaller. This is a disaster--but all the more reason to Skinny Dream. And not only dream--but do. "Skinny Do" your way to your "Skinny Dream". 

My head is in the clouds and I am dreaming of when I was younger. There was a sad illusion that I would be eternally skinny--without even trying! I was so skinny people would regularly compliment me saying, "You will always be skinny!"

If they "could see me now"!  :D

But I am determined. I got out my measuring tape and am recording my weekly waist measurement. The good news is I have already lost one inch!!! I have won over one inch!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

DAY 9 Motivational Hint

After a successful week of dieting, reward yourself with a meal of the "no-no" foods you have been craving. It will give you something to look forward to; off-set your metabolism; and help you stave off most of those unhealthy cravings. Try it; you'll like it!!

DAY 9 Diet Tip

Strawberries have fantastically few calories! Right now beautiful bright red strawberries are in season. They have 49 calories in one whole cup! 

Eating 3 servings of them in a week may reduce heart attack risk in women by one whole third! That is because they have flavanoids called anthocyanins that may dilate arteries and fight the build up of plaque. (Blueberries, grapes, egg plant, and other fruits and vegetables also contain these.) Anthocyanins are responsible for the red, purple, and blue colors found in fruits and vegetables. They may protect the liver from injury, reduce blood pressure, improve eyesight, have anti-inflamatory activity and prevent diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular and neurological diseases.

DAY 9 Journal

Yesterday, I "pigged out". I celebrated my weight loss by trying to eat everything I had been craving--to get it out of my system. I ate pizza, Coke, chips, a candy store "turtle", Milky Way, chocolate cookie, sausage and green peppers and onions on a hoagie, pasta... "I feel like a walking blimp."

I definitely got my cravings out of my system--but I feel like I put my pounds right back on. But, there is no way I can find out because my daughter is back to faithfully supporting my Skinny Diet Dream by sleeping with the scales. So, I am back to work--suppressing my appetite like a good girl...

Monday, June 17, 2013

DAY 8 Motivational Tip and Diet Hint

Motivational Tip: Lose some weight! It will encourage you to lose even more

Diet Hint: I was researching dieting and came across this great piece of info: There is a free and ad-free website, My Pyramid Tracker (SuperTracker), set up by the U. S. Department of Agriculture that helps you make a personal plan and track your food and activities. It even has an exercise tracker!

DAY 8: Success Breeds Success

I am amazed. Today was my own Personal Weigh-In Day. But I couldn't wait. Last night, I begged my daughter to get the bathroom scales out of hiding. (She even sleeps with them, so I can't sneak them!) 

I can't tell you thrilled I was when I stood on those babies and read the numbers! :O It wasn't my dream-come-true, but there was a definite change--and in the right direction. HOORAY!! YES!! I LOVE IT!! 

It just made me want to lose more. Today, I am supposed to eat my celebration meal. But, I am so excited about losing weight that I do not even want to. We will see what happens. 


Got my Z's

Saturday, June 15, 2013

DAY 6 Journal with Skinny Past Photo

Guess what?

Last night I was watching a family photo slideshow that my daughter put on our TV. Boy, was I shocked at a photo of me from just a couple of years ago--like 2 years ago! How on earth did this happen to me?!

It was unbelievable! I had to do a double take. I can't believe it was me. (I am the one in the sunglasses.) 

I weighed 67 pounds less!!

Every time I gaze at that photo I absolutely long for my Skinny Dream to come true. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

DAY 5 Skinny Dream Diet Tips

I have decided I am going to post a Daily Diet Tip and a Daily Motivational Tip along with my Daily Journal on the "ups" and "downs" of my 100-Day Skinny Dream Diet. Hope you like it :)

Today's Daily Diet Tip: Some research suggests that eating peas makes you feel fuller. They have 7 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber per serving.

Today's Motivational Tip: Look at my photo. This is a picture of me after surgery. I had surgery for a broken nose. I broke my nose when I fell on my face. I tripped over a cord because I couldn't see past my big belly. If that doesn't motivate me what will?!

Today is a New Day

DAY 5:

I can start over! And I am. 

I really blew it last night. I am so sorry. I apologize.

I feel like I let you down. But, am I going to give up?

OH NO! I am not going to give up. I am not going to give in.

I have 95 days left to work on my skinny dream and that is a lot.

You can join in now. You can do a lot in 95 days.

Anyhow, have you heard the old saying that "if you fall off a horse the best thing to do is to jump right back on" to overcome the fear? 

That is the best way to overcome the fear of failure on a diet. At least I think so.

Yesterday, I failed. Once I failed, I failed more. First, I thought I will just fail 100 calories worth. Then 200. Then 500. I continued to try to restrain myself. Then, finally I quit keeping track of it. 

The plus side is: I ate mostly healthy foods when I splurged. 

I confessed I did drink 4 ounces of a soft drink, and some butter-laden garlic toast. And what was the other thing I ate? I can't think of it right now. But, most of what I ate was fresh fruits and salad and protein. 

So, like I said I am going to get back on the "horse" and go!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Today was a blah day. It was dreary out. I got really really hungry. 

I struggled with working on my dream today. It felt more like a bad dream than a skinny dream. I felt famished. I was tired. I was plain discouraged. 

I ate at a restaurant for lunch. I had a cup of soup and a side salad. I left the cheese and croutons off to try to prevent eating too many calories. But then they put this yummy garlic toast on the side. I didn't know how many calories it was. I thought 'I will just eat a fourth of a piece'. I ended up eating the whole piece. When I got home, I looked up the calories and it was NOT good.

I am sorry to tell you as a result I came home and ate more. I am now 455 calories over my goal. 

I wrote a poem about it:

The goal is to lose
But I only gain,
Which just adds to the pain,
As I travel down the trail 
Of Obesity Lane!

As the saying goes "there is always tomorrow for dreams to come true"--or is there?

DAY 4:

My name is Victoria Van Ritz 

Or so they say. I do not really believe it.

Today, I decided to look up morbidly: "In a morbid manner or to a morbid degree" is what it read.

I remembered Mom saying, "What a morbid thought!" to some things I said when I was growing up.

Then, I looked up morbid: "Characterized by or appealing to an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease." 

Morbid synonyms are : unhealthy, diseased, unsound, ill, sickly. That cannot be me. 

I am in a state of denial.
"Citation." Def. 1. Merriam Webster Online, Merriam Webster, n.d. Web. 13 June. 2013.
"Citation." Def. 2. Merriam Webster Online, Merriam Webster, n.d. Web. 13 June. 2013.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

You won't believe what I just did. 

I couldn't wait to see if I am losing weight. My daughter got the bathroom scales out. (She had hid them from me to prevent discouragement) I promised not to open my eyes and I kept them closed and stood on the scales. 

She said I am losing wait and that is really cool!!!

Maybe I should do that every time I feel like giving up.

Right now, I am very hungry and kind of do feel like giving up. But I don't want to let you down, because you probably have a skinny dream, too. I want to be a good example for you.

If I can do it, you can do it.

I am in the middle of day 2 of really doing it right, but I made a mistake in adding up my calories and I am quite bewildered.

It is 4:30pm and I have less than 100 calories left. UGGH!

I don't think I want to eat a gallon of broth for supper. What should I do???

This is all because I woke up in the middle of the night and ate a banana. Sometime I will send you a picture of my fruit pedestal dish with the beautiful bananas in it and you will understand why I could not resist.

I am now eating chow mein slaw without the noodles. My daughters are so excited that I am on a diet that they made it and measured it out and figured out the calories and I had 1/2 cup.

I am now having 2 fried eggs. (Fried in canola oil since that is a healthy oil.)

I read that eggs are really good for you. After all, they have everything in them that a little chick needs to grow on.

I also read about the starvation mode today and it said that you should eat when you are hungry, but you should eat things that are good for you and of coarse, limit the amount.

I also walked 2,420 steps so far today. I got a pedometer that is really good at measuring real true steps. I hold it in my hand when I am in public so it doesn't look funny on me. Since most people don't go around wearing pedometers in public places--I never see them anyhow.

DAY 3:

You won't believe it! This is fantastic! I MADE it through day 2. I did NOT go off of my diet except for a few calories. I am amazed!

I did have one set back. During the day I ate some bites of an apple. I wanted to slowly eat the apple--spread it out between meals. It was a very beautiful apple; red and gold and crispy and juicy. I don't know how much I had eaten, but I had it sitting on the counter. Somehow the rest of it got knocked on the floor. I had no way to determine how many calories I ate. How many calories are in 3 bites of an apple? I was devastated because I was trying to be so exact. In the end, I had to estimate.

I don't know what is keeping me on the diet or how I made it through the day. It is just not me to not go off my diet. But it is me, cause I did it! Yes!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


To my dismay, yesterday, I thought 'I do not really like this cheesecake', but I just tried to down more thinking 'I need to just eat more to enjoy it.' Once I had gone off my diet, I wanted to get the most out of it. But, it was no use. I could not eat the last bite because it tasted so fake and also had an added cardboard flavor.

Lying in bed remembering it all, filled me with remorse. I had given into pressure and now the pressure is on my lungs as they struggle to lift the fat up and down for my poor body to just get air- quite a trade off - a "delicious struggle" you could call it- and it has to e-n-d!

Monday, June 10, 2013

I hated the cheesecake. I could not even finish my piece. I loved looking at it as much as I hated eating it. It was horrible blowing my diet on that. Horrible.

Never start a diet on your daughter's birthday. I can't believe I thought that I could do that.

Day 1: I Already Blew It. 

I am too embarrassed to say anything else.